Engineering With Software

posted in: Consulting

MATLAB GUI ExampleAt Mathematical Engineering™ we use software and mathematics to create trouble-free custom solutions for your business. We can assist with analyzing your results, speeding up your m-files or creating a sophisticated mathematical model. We can create visualization tools to help you gain insights or a graphical user interface (GUI) to automate your investigations. With specializations in engineering and mathematics as well as MATLAB, iPhone, Palm OS and Windows Mobile, we make math work for you.

Custom candle chartMATLAB Consulting

Our principal, Dr. Clay M. Thompson, provides expert MATLAB consulting to our clients. With engineering degrees from M.I.T and Stanford University and over 25 years working with MATLAB, Dr. Thompson can create the software you need to solve engineering problems. Here is a sample of the types of services we have provided to our clients:

  • MATLAB m-file speed-up and optimization
  • Convert m-files to C/C++
  • Mathematical modeling and visualization
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Model building
  • Numerical optimization
  • Algorithm development
  • Create specialized graphs and charts

See our MATLAB Consulting page for more details.

Custom Software Development

We offer complete, end-to-end development services and can leverage multiple platforms, languages and operating systems to achieve your goals

  • Software architecture and design
  • MATLAB toolbox development
  • MATLAB GUI development
  • Create specialized m-files
  • Create standalone applications that run on mobile devices or on the desktop.

See our Custom Software Development page for more details.

MATLAB Guru blog

Learn how to get the most out of MATLAB. Our articles reveal some of the MATLAB tricks and techniques we use everyday to help our clients optimize their use of MATLAB.

Contact Us

To inquire about our services without obligation, please contact Dr. Clay Thompson using our Contact Form.